
Wednesday 19 November 2008

First steps

Yesterday - out of the blue! - we had three dry diapers and two pees on the big toilet.

Shock and amazement!

I don't know whether this will continue, and I admit I'm not holding my breath in case it was merely a fluke, not to be repeated for many more months, but perhaps it really was his first steps towards potty learning.

I admit it - I sniffled a little bit. They grow up so fast, it catches you by surprise sometimes. My husband said yesterday that while it's always been neat to watch him learn new things, it's like a switch has flicked recently and he's kicked things into a higher gear. It's true, and is it ever fascinating to watch.

I wasn't planning on starting potty learning for, goodness, another year-ish. It wasn't something I wanted to push him towards before he was ready, so I planned to take a slow and casual pace. Maybe he has different plans - they do say, after all, that kids in cloth diapers learn to use the potty earlier than kids in disposables, since you can feel the wetness in cloth diapers while disposables whisk it all away.

And besides, isn't that the core of attachment parenting - working with your child, recognizing their cues, adjusting your approach to fit an individual child...knowing them, building a relationship with them, walking along beside them? And parenting just wouldn't be parenting if it weren't always evolving, plans revised, nothing ever quite the way you expected - and so often, much much better than you could even have imagined.


  1. Awww... they do grow up fast!!! Daniel hates to be wet! He really hated it when he was a newborn,but has gotten a little better. I've always called it potty training,guess it's the same thing?

  2. How exciting! Potty training is so exciting. It can be frustrating (or so my mother tells me) but it's exciting that he's wanting to do this on his own! Yay!

  3. Heather, yes, it's basically the same thing.

  4. Potty learning sounds funny! (instead of training)

  5. How exciting, Cynthia!

    "And besides, isn't that the core of attachment parenting - working with your child, recognizing their cues, adjusting your approach to fit an individual child...knowing them, building a relationship with them, walking along beside them?"

    Well said. :)

  6. I'm happy your little man is taking so well to it! Mine is... pretty resistant. We got the potty chair because he'd started telling us "pee pee" and "poo poo," but since we started trying to relate those to a potty, he's stopped even letting us know. Sigh. And he doesn't care if his diaper is sopping wet, either, whether cloth or disposable. Maybe I was misinterpreting his signals *shrug*.
