
Wednesday 21 March 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Hermies

I had spent several years raising hermit crabs before the husband forgot to water them while I was out of town for a couple of weeks. After a very sad crab-less year, I recently decided to repopulate our tank with four new hermit crabs. (Megan made me do it. Thank you, Megan.) The husband is appropriately apologetic and has promised me that these crabs will not suffer the same fate. I'm considering forgiving him. Tomorrow. Maybe.

Oh, those adorable little eyes! I once had a certain friend-who-shall-remain-nameless (*coughcough*) warn me that if I continued with my hermit crab obsession, I'd end up being the crazy old cat lady, only with hermit crabs instead of cats. (She might not remember saying it, but I can assure you she did. I would still have proof if not for the great crash of 2008 that destroyed the evidence.)

I choose to take her words as a compliment. Bring on the hermit crabs. Besides, now I can totally use the "my homeschooled kids are doing a life-based project on hermit crabs" excuse. Oh, the sacrifices us mothers must make. But I do it for them. Because I love them.


  1. Hey, not sure if you remember me. My son Elliot and I met you through young play learners (do you go still?) and came to your home once. Just wanted to say I LOVE reading your posts and also LOVE hermit crabs. I used to play with brittle stars for days when I was a kid.( ; and I would name them all too. We've since had another baby this past Jan. Congrats on another pregnancy! All the best to you! Sandra

    1. We think of you and Elliot often! Congratulations on your new baby. :) I'm glad to hear you're still around; we'll have to get together again sometime soon!

  2. adorable!!!!!! I love hermit crabs!

  3. Oh yay!! I remember all your hermit crab posts. This makes me happy!

    1. Aw, thanks! I think it's very cool that you remember. :)

  4. Their shells are so beautiful! I had no idea!
