
Friday 30 November 2012

What I Am Into - November 2012

What I Am Into :: NOVEMBER 2012

On My Nightstand:

I'm slowly working my way through N. T. Wright's "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church". It continues to be both beautifully hopeful and deeply illuminative. Sadly, my current brain fog prevents me from making faster progress.

For Advent, I am reading through the daily devotional Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas, which includes daily writings from individuals such as C. S. Lewis, Kathleen Norris, T. S. Eliot, Dorothy Day, Henri Nouwen, Madeleine L'Engle, and more. It has proven to be an excellent Advent resource so far.

Want to Read:

When I finish Surprised by Hope, I have N. T. Wright's follow-up book, After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters, waiting for me. I am also looking forward to a quick but meaningful read-through of Kathleen Norris's The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and "Women's Work".

On the screen:

Only 26 more days until the next episode of Doctor Who! (And also, you know, Christmas. But Doctor Who!) Very excited about that.

I've been filling my brain-fogged evenings with a nostalgic rewatching of the entire Boy Meets World series. I'm currently finishing up Season 4. Also, did you hear??? They're making a sequel, Girl Meets World, in which Cory and Topanga are happily married and raising their 13-year-old daughter, Riley! Is that not the best news you've heard all year? I thought so.

In My Kitchen:

Okay, so the first thing you do is make this incredible pumpkin custard. Serve chilled along with whipped cream. Savour. Eat it for breakfast. And lunch. Lick out the pie dish when you're finished.

Next, realize that you now have nine egg whites sitting in your fridge. Jump on Google to figure out what you can do with nine egg whites. Discover a recipe for coconut chocolate macaroons.

Next, spend an entire afternoon making said macaroons. Dip their delicious coconutty bottoms in melted chocolate. Share some with your guests. Eat the rest yourself while watching Boy Meets World. Enjoy every sweet and gratifying bite.

Finally, go to the grocery store to buy more pumpkin and heavy cream. Come home and repeat the entire mouthwatering process from the beginning.

You're welcome.

In My Ears:

I've been spending the past couple of weeks choosing a CD for each child's stocking.

The baby will be receiving the beautiful folk collection Rain for Roots, with lyrics by Jesus Storybook Bible author Sally Lloyd-Jones and music by Sandra McCracken, Ellie Holcomb, and more.

The toddler will be receiving Volume 1 of the Questions with Answers series by Dana Dirksen. We all love her Songs for Saplings ABC album, which has taught me as much musical Scripture as it has my children.

The boy will be receiving one of Renee & Jeremy's albums. I've ordered both "A Little Love" and "It's a Big World". Actually, I might give him the latter and keep the former for my own stocking! Love this duo, and many thanks to my friend who recommended them to me.

What I'm Looking Forward to in December:

We will be driving (driving!!) to northern Manitoba to visit my family for Christmas. While I am not looking forward to approximately 60 hours in the car with three children, I am looking forward to Christmas with my sisters, parents, and adorable little niece.

Plus, Christmas!!! Music, decorations, pretty twinkling lights, wrapping paper, Advent observances, candles, carols, all of it. I'm so ready. Bring it on.

Well, friends, that is What I've Been Into this past month. What about you?

Linking up to What I'm Into with HopefulLeigh...


  1. I love Kathleen Norris! I didn't know she wrote inspirational material as well... good to know!

  2. Hahhaha I am so excited to discover that you are a Whovian! I am totally with you!

  3. I bought Watch for the Light last year and loved it. I'm planning on going through it again this Advent season. Kathleen Norris has been on my To Read list for years. I really need to get on that!

    I would like to move into your kitchen. :) Thanks for linking up with What I'm Into!

  4. I love Rain for Roots, so I'm looking up your other CD choices immediately. They sound awesome! Love the idea of putting one in each kids' stocking. Brilliant.

  5. Will totally watch 'Girl Meets World'. How utterly awesome. :)

  6. Thanks for some great suggestions for kids music that's not totally annoying! I'm looking forward to checking these out. ta. :)

  7. So... Concerning the pumpkin custard --> Coconut Chocolate macaroons --> repeat. All I can say is THANK YOU!!!
