
Sunday 6 December 2009

Second Sunday of Advent

Today we lit the second candle on our Advent wreath, read a piece of Scripture, and said a prayer. I cherish this time of commemorating the first coming of Christ while also preparing for His second coming.

It has been fascinating to me to watch our son grow in his understanding of God. The things he says, the way he picks up on things, his observations, his awareness - it all amazes me. I feel like having a child has brought me back to the very basics of my faith, and I have learned so much because of it. It is frustratingly easy to accept the many man-imposed burdens that are pushed in our direction. Casting them off and returning to the very foundations of Scripture is beautifully freeing. The sense of peace and calm is wonderful, and I am grateful for it.

There is so much going on in our lives right now. We are preparing for the birth of our second child, due in less than a week (less than a week!!). We are searching for a new home and will be moving by the end of the month. We are, for the first time, in a difficult place financially. There is the loneliness of a new city, the struggles of relationships, and the day-to-day demands of life. And yet how can I allow those worries to overcome me even as I recount to my son the stories Jesus told of God's provision, or as I sing with him of God's love and care, or as we talk about all the things that are just so bigger and so much more important than the worries of today?

I can't. Instead, God whispers back to me the same words I whisper to my son. God loves you...God will take care of you...God is always with you.

Beautifully, I find this message driven even deeper within me during this Advent time of both remembering and preparing for the coming of Emmanuel - God is with us.

God is always with us.


  1. wow... i've lots to catch up on! I had no idea that you were moving.... hugs... hoping all goes well for you guys during the next few weeks.. huge time of transition. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

  2. I really admire your unwavering faith. I'll be praying that you are able to find that new home you seek and that God will send financial blessings your way. May God be with you and the baby during the birth as well.

    Children are truly fascinating. I love to see their faces light up when they gain understanding. It must be quite fulfilling to see your child learn about God.

  3. Less than a week, huh? :)
    Good luck with everything!!

    Too bad you have to move in the middle of this all :( Couldn't imagine being due any day and doing house hunts, yet alone moving with a 2-3 weeks old. Good luck for that as well!!

  4. I will be praying for you and your family. I can't imagine moving so soon after having a baby. I thought you guys were going to get to stay until April? Maybe I misunderstood.
    I know the Lord will pull you through it all :)
