
Tuesday 1 March 2011

This moment (and a giveaway!)

Last night, boys in bed, I sat down with some yarn, browsed patterns, looking for just the right combination. Picked up needles, prepared to cast on - and then the baby cried. Sighing, I went to soothe him, sitting quietly beside the bed as his eyes slowly closed and he fell back asleep.

By the time I returned to the couch, I'd changed my mind. That wool with that pattern wasn't quite right. Maybe this

So indecisive, always.

I gave up and sat back to wind a hank of yarn instead.

My local yarn shop could take care of it in one quick minute, but it was wonderfully soothing to do it by hand instead, to fully enter into the quiet moment. No rushing, no planning, no productivity - just the comforting rhythm and peaceful quiet. I went to bed calm and centered.

When morning came, I finally took pen to paper and started my long-intended list of thanksgiving. My written gratitude has been sporadic these past few years, the habit of daily writing it down lost in the whirlwind of marriage and children.

In the spirit of enjoying and rejoicing, I have begun again, content with where I am, grateful for all that I have, seeking beauty in all things, and finding joy today.

1. Flannel, soft and warm, covering boys in mama-made pants and blankets.

2. Baby boy nestling against his daddy's chest.

3. Hand winding yarn into a ball.

4. ...

In gratitude to all of you - for reading my rambling thoughts, for sharing your own, for the feedback and community you provide - I have one copy of Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts to give away. This book is amazing. The writing is pure poetry and the message is life-altering. Such a dare, to live fully where you are, to be fully present in the moment, to find joy in the midst of daily life and pain. The writing it down inspires the hunt and it is the hunt that brings joy.

To enter, leave a comment on this post sharing one thing you are grateful for today - one glimpse of beauty, one moment of joy, one gift of thanks, anything.

For additional entries, leave a separate comment for each of the following:
  1. "Like" The Hippie Housewife on our brand new Facebook page!
  2. Follow The Hippie Housewife via Google Friend Connect below (comment if you already do!).
  3. Subscribe to The Hippie Housewife via a feed reader (comment if you already have!).
  4. Tweet, post, or blog about this giveaway (one entry per link).

Comments will close on Monday, March 7, at 11:59pm PST, with the winner announced the following day.

Good luck!

Contest closed! Congratulations, Heather!


  1. I am grateful for my sweet sweet son. He brings me joy every day!

  2. I am grateful for herbal tea with honey! I liked you on Facebook, too. :)

  3. I am greatful for this two year old who is curently nursing in my arms (excuse the typos!) who is my miracle baby, such a blessing from God.

  4. Grateful for baby sighs, baby toes, and first smiles!

  5. I am grateful for the smell of sweet baby, and the look of pure innocence on my 20 month old's face when he's sleeping :)

    Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!

  6. I like you on fb :) Vanessa Corazon

  7. I was waiting for the last bus at 1am in what the said was -44, content to turn off my brain in the mind-numbing cold, when I heard something. It was just so beautifully quiet. I thought I'd better not pass up this moment to enjoy the silence that only bitter cold can bring, where sounds from blocks away sound like they're right inside your ear. So I stepped outside the bus shelter, smiled and went for a walk (just to the end of the block and back).

  8. I am grateful that you have a FB page! ;)

  9. Liked you on FB and tagged you in my page's status to send some friends your way. :)

  10. Oh yay! Give-aways!

    I'm thankful for funny kids who make me laugh daily :)

  11. and I liked your facebook page (yay that you have one!)

  12. and I'm pretty sure I follow you on Google friend connect...but I don't see that little "follow" box on your I crazy? lol

  13. and...I subscribe to you via Google feed reader (that's different than connect, right? I'm not that hi-tech)

    I'll be back later with more entries ;) I'm interested to read this book!

  14. I am grateful for flowers, created by our God! Today I finally (after three years) made our porch pretty with some, and I can't wait to see them every morning when the kids and I go out!

  15. I just shared the giveaway and your site on Facebook. :)

  16. I also 'liked' Hippie Housewife on Facebook! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  17. I am thankful for the small victories each day...they make it all worth it! I liked you on facebook and subscribe to the blog!

  18. First of all, please don't enter me in your contest. I already have been gifted this book. I started to read it but my emotions were just too raw when I began it and I had to put it down for a little while.

    I loved reading about you finding comfort in winding yarn. There were many nights recently where I sat in a dark room with a toddler who had trouble sleeping and my hands ever so patiently wound skein after skein into nice little balls. The simple activity, the calming noise, and the prayers for peace that filled my's a memory I'll never forget.

    I guess I'm thankful at the moment for memories of the time God allowed me to be a mother. Just the ability to experience all the joys and the not so fun parts of motherhood...well I just can't imagine that anything else in my whole life will compare to that joy.

  19. This is such a great entry!

    I'd have to say today I'm grateful for being able to see my little girl on the ultrasound screen, being able to text my husband and connect with him again after such a long time away, and the Amazing God that has brought both those people into my life.

  20. I am grateful for two boys playing legos and chattering.

  21. I'm grateful that we can still 'connect' even though we're thousands of miles apart. That pic of your two little ones sleeping together is sooooo cute!!

  22. I've followed you via Google and liked your facebook page!

  23. I'm SO thankful for the burritos my husband brought home for us for supper tonight! For real, I am because I did NOT want to cook!

    uniquelynormalmom at gmail dot com

  24. I liked you on FB! Can't wait to read some more! -Genevieve

    uniquelynormalmom at gmail dot com

  25. We are now GFC'ed!

    uniquelynormalmom at gmail dot com

  26. I subscribed in a reader!

    uniquelynormalmom at gmail dot com

  27. Do you have a Twitter? You should get one :-) it'll help with sharing blog posts. Anyways, here is my tweet:!/uniquelynormal1/status/43861538574041088

    uniquelynormalmom at gmail dot com

  28. I am thankful for the quiet moments cuddling on the couch I was able to spend with my 6 year old this morning and the short time that my 3 year old worked with me in the kitchen this evening.

  29. Twitter? I've only just got brave enough for Facebook!! One step at a time, I think...but yes, I really should give in a get a Twitter account too. Thanks for the link!

  30. I'm thankful for the sound of rain on my roof right now ... it's so soothing.

  31. I follow you via Google friend connect. :)

  32. I also subscribe via rss (Google Reader)

  33. blogged about it!

  34. I'm grateful for my sweet boy. I love to see the spark in his eyes when he learns something new. He brings such great joy to my life.

  35. I "liked" your FB page. :)

  36. I follow you via Google Friend Connect.

  37. Subscribed to the google reader.

  38. I'm grateful for my amazing children and loving husband. Grateful to be healthy. Loving all my friends and family!

  39. I "like" your facebook page.

  40. I follow The Hippie Housewive blog via Google.

  41. I'm grateful for my Papa, who passed on last Friday and for my family, who he made sure was strong and close.
