
Friday 1 February 2013

What I Am Into - January 2013

What I Am Into :: JANUARY 2013

On My Nightstand:

I'm still (still!) working my way through N. T. Wright's "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church". Again, beautifully hopeful and deeply illuminative. I am also slowly reading Kathleen Norris's The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and "Women's Work", which I adore so far.

The boys and I are currently reading Pippi Longstocking as a read-aloud during the day. We all love it. (Would you believe this is actually my first time reading it? Shameful, I know. I've watched the movie, if that counts for anything!) This particular edition is made even better by illustrations from Lauren Child, creator of Charlie and Lola. We're big Charlie and Lola fans, and now we're all big Pippi fans too.

Want to Read:

N. T. Wright's follow-up book, After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters, is still waiting for me to get through Surprised by Hope. I'm just too tired to do much reading at night! We used to read for a good hour before turning off the light each night, but now I just can't keep my eyes open for it. I'm going to have to start reading more during the day instead.

On the screen:

I've just completed my nostalgic rewatching of the Boy Meets World series. You know that feeling you get when you finish a really good book series? I felt the same way when the last episode of Boy Meets World ended. Kinda sad, kinda lost, kinda unsure of what to do with myself. The husband and I are on our second round through Doctor Who. Otherwise, not much going on here screen-wise. People are really tempting me with both Downtown Abbey and Parenthood though; any recommendations for one over the other?

In My Kitchen:

You know, it's really been kinda boring in my kitchen lately. Sad but true. I have, however, finally perfected my meatball recipe, but I'm going to give that its own post another day. I dunno why. I'm just in that sort of mood.

In My Ears:

The song Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing has somehow worked its way deep into my heart this month. And then to find Mumford & Sons singing Sufjan Stevens' arrangement of it? Well, it doesn't get much better than that.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love.
Here's my heart, oh take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above.

What I'm Looking Forward to in February:

Well, the husband and I will be celebrating our anniversary early in the month. And by "celebrating", I mean "possibly going out for dinner with the kids but not really much else". Such is life with little ones. Then there's Valentine's Day, which always feels a bit redundant following so soon after our anniversary. Otherwise, man, I'm just really not feeling February. January suuuuuucked. I started the month off all "whee, freedom, opportunities, everything is going so very well, happy happy joy joy!". I ended the month more like "uuuuuugh, blaaaaaah, boooooo, suuuuuckage." Big stuff, little stuff, valid stuff, stupid stuff, emotional stuff, physical stuff, I mean January had it all. So February? Whatever. Can't be worse than January, so that's the something. OKAY I TAKE THAT BACK IT COULD BE WORSE PLEASE DON'T LET ANYTHING ELSE BAD HAPPEN. Seriously, life. *whimper*

Well, friends, that is What I've Been Into this past month. What about you?

Linking up to What I'm Into with HopefulLeigh...


  1. How fun that you watched Boy Meets World again! Did you hear they're doing a spin off in which Cory and Topanga are grown up with a kid of their own? Not sure when it will start. I watch Downton Abbey and Parenthood but Parenthood is in time out right now. One of the storylines hit way too close to home this past season. The show makes me cry enough as it is so I decided I'll wait to watch it until next season.

    Thanks for linking up with What I'm Into!

    1. I did hear about the spin off! I'm far too excited about it considering my age. I really hope it lives up to the original.

      Thanks for hosting the link up! :)

  2. Come Thou Fount is one of my all time faves. that's a great version!

    pick between Parenthood OR Downton??? Not ok. Uhmmm....I'd probably pick Parenthood

    1. Hah, good to know! Maybe we can fit in two new shows at the same time. Thanks for the input. :)
