* Of course, by "nap", I mean that I get to curl up on the couch with a pillow and blanket and attend to slightly fewer requests than I would normally have to. But I do get to doze in between them showing me their drawings and Lego creations, needing help in the bathroom, asking me to peel their oranges for them, and so on. I'll take what I can get.
On My Nightstand:
I am about a third of the way through N. T. Wright's book Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense. I am loving it. It is every bit as good as I had hoped it would be. I so love it when a book lives up to my expectations!
The husband and I are reading through the Hunger Games trilogy together. We have finished the first two and are now well into the third one. The oh-my-goodness-we-can't-stop-here-how-about-just-one-more-chapter hasn't exactly helped my exhaustion. I am so glad we're reading this series. Intense, fascinating, and well-written, it's everything I could hope for in fiction.
Want to Read:
My to-read list isn't getting any shorter, and it's only gotten worse since a friend of mine introduced me to GoodReads, which is everything my organization-loving and book-loving self could possibly want in a website. In addition to most of the books I had on my list in November, I've now added:
- Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N. T. Wright
- After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters by N. T. Wright
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
- Writing Motherhood by Lisa Garrigues
T.V. Show Worth Watching:
Sorry, I'm just going to have to say it again: Once Upon a Time is the show I can't recommend enough right now. We also enjoy House and The Big Bang Theory, but it's OUaT that has me itching to get the kids to bed on time so we can sit down and watch the newest episode each week.
In My Kitchen:
I may not be nauseous, but I definitely haven't had much of an appetite for the past several weeks. It was a relief, then, to find myself thoroughly enjoying the Avocado Spinach Egg Salad Sandwich I made for lunch last week. This is definitely my new go-to version of egg salad sandwich filling. Perfect.
I also made Perfect Pot Roast (which lived up to its name) when we had company join us for the evening last week. Dinner was followed with a light dessert of peppermint tea and Lemon Sugar Cookies. The cookies were incredible. I'm embarrassed to admit it (because I did more than my fair share of helping), but we finished the entire batch in one day. One day. Oh my.
Other than that, our kitchen has been pretty boring lately. I prepare meals because the kids have to eat, but my imagination is sorely lacking in that department. My only pregnancy craving so far? Toasted peanut butter, jelly, and banana sandwiches. Yum. I could go for one right now, actually.
In My Ears:
There's still a whole lotta Christmas carol singing going on around here. Well, not "singing" so much as "hollering". The kids have fully embraced some of the Christmas greats, including (but definitely not limited to) "Go Tell it on the Mountain", "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing", "Silent Night", and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". The carols are all the better for their childish translations. Take, for example, the boy's version of "Silent Night":
All is calm, all is bright,
yon mon version Mother and John.
Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace."
Or how about the toddler's excellent twist on "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"?
I wish you a Merry Miss-miss,
I wish you a Merry Miss-miss,
Truth be told, there hasn't been much else playing around here. Maybe it's time to reintroduce these young'uns to something other than Christmas carols. The husband's brain just might explode if he's still hearing Christmas songs in February...
Pinterest Finds:
Pinterest, Pinterest. Why do you mock me so? So many awesome projects, so little energy to do anything more than gaze longingly at them.
I am basically in love with everything about this sweater. I must make it.
How cute are these tiny little quilt magnets? I'm picturing something nice and bright - maybe yellows, greens, and blues?
It doesn't get any easier than this, and I'm pretty much certain it comes with a "this will taste incredible or your time and energy back" guarantee.
What I'm Looking Forward to in February:
Oh-so-many things. February starts off with another midwife appointment, which should mean getting to hear Mystery Baby's heartbeat. Our five-year wedding anniversary is soon after. The husband doesn't read this blog, but just in case, I'll only let you know that I have Big Things planned and it will all be Very Exciting. Shhh, don't tell, he has no idea! February could also mean feeling the first flutters from Mystery Baby, although that particular gift could just as likely hold off until March - but perhaps February will at least bring a bit of renewed energy as I enter the second trimester? We shall see...
Well, friends, that is What I've Been Into this first month of the new year. It's been a good month, exhaustion aside, and I'm looking forward to February as well. What I'm really looking forward to, though, is the return of warmer weather! I've become soft out here on the west coast. I want some warm sunshine on my face, dry ground beneath my feet, and fewer excuses to sit around in front of my nice cozy fireplace.
Ah, well. All in good time.