1. My husband. Happy birthday, sweetheart. Thank you for showing me what unconditional love looks like. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of watching our son dissolve into a fit of giggles as his Daddy plays with him. And, most of all, thank you for not running far far away when I told you, perhaps prematurely, that God told me I'd marry you someday. I hate to say it, honey...but I told you so.
2. My son. There aren't words for the joy that you have brought me. I now understand what they mean when they say that to be a mom is to forever have your heart go walking around outside your body. I love your smile, your giggles, your cheeky grin as you run out of my reach, your eager desire to be involved in everything I do, your warm body snuggled against me each night, your oh-so-serious face and expectant eyes as you politely sign "milk" when you want to nurse - oh, darling, I just love everything about you.
3. My Saviour. Sometimes it hits me - what You've done for me, the grace You've shown to a miserable wretch, the love beyond knowledge. Other times...oh, Lord, You've been so merciful to me even while I've so often gone about my day without giving You a second of my thought or time. Fill me anew with that longing to know You deeply, to spend time in Your Word, to seek You in prayer. Create in me a clean heart, oh Lord, and renew a right spirit within me.
4. Chocolate. It's only fitting that chocolate be on the list, considering how often it has got me through a stressful day.
5. Whiteboards. Oh, the unspeakable joy of wiping away yet another completed task from a long whiteboard to-do list.
6. Kindred spirits. In a society that values convenience over knowledge, it is such a blessing to have those who understand why you choose to do things differently.
7. My sister. I was so mean to you when we were kids. Mom always told me to be nice to your siblings, as they'd be the only ones to stick around when you were older. I get it now. Sometimes it feels like you're the only person who has remained a constant in my life. No matter how long we go without getting a chance to talk, I always know that as soon as I pick up the phone or write an email, you'll be right there, same as always, ready to chat as though we've done so every day of our lives. No matter what I've done, you've never treated me any different. You're the only person who has ever been like that to me. I don't tell you this enough, but I love you and I deeply treasure your friendship.
8. The sun. Blue skies, green grass, red flowers. Long rambling walks with my son, stopping to inspect every ant and leaf that catches his eye. Slowing down.
9. Green smoothies. Sliced apples. Watermelon. Farmers' markets.
10. That increasingly rare gem - a truly good book.