Wednesday 26 October 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Strength and clarity

(Photo courtesy of the preschooler, my budding photographer.)

"Deep down, Jack really does want to be good, but he is also strong willed and volatile, often at the mercy of his emotions. What he most needs from me then is not an emotional hurricane of equal fury, but just the opposite - a living example of the kind of strength and clarity that will ultimately show him the way to make constructive use of his own energies. Children need clear boundaries as they learn to master socially acceptable behavior, but they also need exposure to the art of self-control. Where else will my sons learn grace under pressure, if not right here in their own home?"

- Katrina Kenison, "Mitten Strings for God"


  1. Lovely photo, and inspiring quote too. Thanks!

  2. Wow. I'm thinking I need to read that book now. Awesome quote!

  3. this melts my heart. promising photographer you have there :)

  4. Thank you!

    Swimming Duck, I highly recommend it! I rarely enjoy a book as much as I enjoyed this particular gem.

  5. I want you to know I have this quote written on my bathroom mirror. It's flashed to mind several times already when I was close to an outburst with my daughter. Thank you.

  6. Rosemary, I'm so glad. Thank you for sharing that.
