Monday 1 November 2010


I'm not a morning person. Not in the least. But I have two precious boys who make each morning just that slight bit more bearable.

The baby is an early riser (*yawn*). He kicks me out of bed early in the morning because otherwise he lays there happily babbling away and attempting to gouge out his older brother's eyes. This usually results in said older brother taking a few sleepy swings at the wee instigator while I quickly scoop him out of harm's way and leave big bro to snooze for a while longer.

The boy is a boy after my own heart - a night owl and late morning sleeper, just like his parents. One of my favourite moments of every day is when he finally stumbles sleepily from the bedroom to join his "bruzzer" and I. I've learned not to talk to him or even look at him when he comes out, lest I be met with a grumpy roar. I just open my arms and he crawls onto my lap. We snuggle in silence together for a few precious minutes. Finally, he'll say, "I'm hung-ga-ry, Mommy." And so our day together begins.

Thank you, God, for these sweet boys. Raise them up to be men who know, love, and follow You.


  1. what a sweet moment that you two must share every day!

  2. My youngest is like that. I've learned to love that snuggle time.

  3. I love this post! My son does the same. When he hops up, it's hard to catch him for the rest of the day. Thank you for sharing your prayer.

  4. What sweet moments to cherish.
