Saturday 1 January 2011

Welcome 2011!

A new year. A fresh start. A renewed hope.

If 2010 had any themes for us, they were grace and intention. It was a calm year, a quiet year, settling into our new home with our new baby, and the perfect year to allow those two themes to flourish in our lives. I learned better how to extend grace to my children, extend grace to others, extend grace to myself, and receive grace myself. I practiced intentional living, making our choices with purpose and deliberation. It was a good year. I leave it feeling satisfied.

As we enter into 2011, I feel our themes shifting. Building on grace, I want this to be a year of enjoying and rejoicing in that grace. Building on intention, I want this to be the year we build a comforting rhythm into our lives. I am excited for this year, for these new themes.

Enjoying and Rejoicing
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4
This year, I will seek to enjoy God and to rejoice in all things. I want the root of both, joy, to overflow in our lives through our gratitude, our thanks, and our praise. I want our joy - our light! - to bring glory to God. I want to tell of the good He has done in our lives! I want to delight in Him and be content in every circumstance, ever praising Him and singing of His Glory. I want to enjoy and rejoice.

“The go-with-the-flow infant days are over; my antsy preschooler and his distractable mama need a rhythm we can flow with through the days. A predictable beginning, middle, and end, with room to wander as life leads us, will lend stability and peace to our lives.”
The Quiet Place
A challenge for my distractable and disorganized self, I will work this year towards building an intentional rhythm into our lives. I want to mark the rhythm of our days, our weeks, our seasons, our years. I want the comfort and security of routines for my preschooler. I want to strengthen my marriage with time set aside just for us. I want more (computer-)screen-free time that we can all count on and benefit from. I want to continue our journey towards intentional living, ensuring that the things we value are not forgotten as our time idly slips away from us. I want an ever-evolving framework our family can grow up in. I want rhythm.

Grace leading to joy. Intention leading to rhythm. A new year building on the work of the last. I feel content today, hopeful for what this new year will hold.

Wishing you all a joyful new year!


  1. I'm right there with you on needing rhythm! I'm definitely a "whatever happens, happens" type mom, but that doesn't always work for growing-up kids. I'm struggling right now with more of a routine in homeschooling -- my first year! -- and what my younger kids can expect to do while I'm busy. I'm looking forward to checking back in with you for tips on what you're doing with your brood!

  2. Establishing a rhythm to our days and seasons.... is actually one of my top intentions for 2011 as well!!

    I don't want to be super concerned about following a schedule.. but I have to know that I'm fitting everything in...

    Happy New Year C!!!

  3. Well come 2011..And Wishing you all a joyful new year!

  4. So pleased to find your blog and another mommy after my own heart. I just read your article on the hows of discipline and it completely resonated with me and my *new* style of parenting. blessings to your new year,
