Wednesday 31 August 2011

New month, new challenge

Our 30 day habit challenge has ended. For those who joined in, how did you do? Have you created a new habit, a new "just what you do" in your life?

For myself, I can't call this month a habit-forming success. Two weeks of family vacations were not terribly conducive to creating habit. Integrating habit into your everyday routine is difficult to do when your typical routine has gone out the window, replaced by long days spent at the beach and late evenings spent playing games and talking with loved ones.

I am not, however, going to call the past month a complete failure, either. I did discover a way to read the Bible notation-free, I learned that habit formation is best done within typical routine, and I did get more Bible reading done than I would have had I not been attempting this challenge. While it might not be a resounding success, I'll take what I can from the experience.

Tomorrow is a new month and, with summer quickly coming to an end, another chance to spend 30 days developing a new habit. As with last month, I want to invite you to join in. Pick a new habit and just do it consistently for the next 30 days, until it's simply "what you do", an easy part of your daily routine.

I am going to tackle, once again, spending focused time with God, with a particular emphasis on reading Scripture. August was a decent start, but if there is any one habit I want (and need) in my life right now, it is this one. With our typical routine once again in place this month, I can work towards making this habit a natural part of that.

Will you be joining us in September? If so, what challenge have you chosen to take on for the next 30 days?


  1. Haha...glad to see I am not the only one who needs a try-over. :-)
    I had a very unhelpful pang of guilt and defensiveness when I saw the title of your post. So yeah, I'll be joining you again.

  2. Aw, Kate, no guilt necessary at all! So glad you'll be joining in again. Hope it's going well so far!

    Alisha, that's great! Let us know what habit you pick to work on!
